Jai Hind Jai Bharat

Jai Hind Jai Bharat

Monday, February 15, 2010

Death of Abbas ibn Ali

Abbas ibn Ali advanced toward Euphrates branch along a dyke. Abbas ibn Ali continued his advance into the heart of ibn Sa'ad's army.He was under heavy shower of arrows but was able to penetrate them and get to the branch leaving heavy casualties from the enemy. He immediately started filling the water skin. In a remarkable and immortal gesture of loyalty to his brother and Muhammad's grandson he didn't drink any water despite being severely thirsty. He put the water skin on his right shoulder and started riding back toward their tents. Amr Saad ordered an outright assault on Abbas ibn Ali saying that if Abbas succeeds in taking water back to his camp, we won't be able to defeat them till the end of time. A massive enemy army blocked his way and surrounded him. He was ambushed from behind a bush and his right arm was cut off. Abbas put the water skin on his left shoulder and continued his way but his left arm was also cut off. Abbas now held the water skin with his teeth. The army of ibn Sa'ad started shooting arrows at him, one arrow hit the water skin and water poured out of it, now he turned his horse back towards the army and charge towards them but someone hit a gurz on his head and he fell off the horse. In his last moments when Imam Hussain was wiping the blood in his eyes to enable him to see Imam Hussain's face, Abbas said not to take his body back to the camps because he had promised to bring back water but couldn't and so couldn't face Sakina,the daughter of Hussain ibn Ali


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